CGI: keeping mySQL awake between hits?

Erno Kuusela erno at
Wed Jan 26 20:08:30 EST 2000

>>>>> "jhefferon" == jhefferon  <jhefferon at> writes:

    jhefferon> I understand that I can put Python into Apache as a
    jhefferon> module, so that Python will always be awake.  I want to
    jhefferon> also keep mySQL up (maybe a half-dozen clients).  I
    jhefferon> believe that I can do this with Perl's Apache::DBI, but
    jhefferon> I'd much to prefer to go with Python.

there are 2 python modules for apache, PyApache and httpdapi.
PyApache wouldn't help you here as it creates a new python interpreter
for each request, it only saves the fork/exec overhead. i'm currently
using httpdapi.

zope is one other option, or fastcgi / pcgi apache modules.

  -- erno

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