WIN32 : how to list the current processes by their executable name?

Yann SAMAMA ysamama at
Tue Jan 18 18:19:22 EST 2000

Stefan Migowsky wrote in message
<326536345498D311B3BC00105A39802A07457E at>...
>see the example given by Mark Hammond in the win32 package

Sorry to bother you again, but I have downloaded the latest version of
Hammond's win32 package (build 128) and the script you mentioned above
doesn't work.

It complains that it cannot import win32pdh module. And I haven't found
anything in Python's subdirectories corresponding to this module?

So where do I miss the point?

Is this an NT-related issue?

I'm running these tests on my old WIN95 PC...

completely lost-ly yours


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