"Quick Python" (from one of the co-authors)

Kenneth McDonald ken at be.com
Wed Jan 5 11:44:59 EST 2000

I haven't had the chances I would've liked to, to participate in
discussions about "Quick Python", but have been getting
comments forwarded to me by my great co-author, Daryl
Harms. There have been a number of favorable comments,
and we thank you for all of those.

As it turns out, a significant number of errors were also
introduced into the code examples during the typesetting
process, so please be on the lookout for those. This is a
pity, as Daryl (who was the main author during the second
half of the book's life) went to a fair bit of effort to run all of
the examples through the Python shell, to verify their
correctness. From the feedback so far, it appears that the
errors are not too serious, but still, we do apologize.

I hope to be getting a bit more time to participate in this
mailing list in the near future. Feel free to email questions.

Ken McDonald
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