Hi, a bug python , is it possible ? I've found a bug with the syntaxic analyser.

family cavaille family.cavaille at libertysurf.fr
Tue Jan 25 15:15:49 EST 2000

Hello, I have a trouble with this code:

class Bug:
  def __init__(self):
    print "My beautiful class don't  bug"

print "Hello"
del Bug()

It's all,(i use python 1.5.1 on Linux, AIX, & NT) and I've an error
But I use a temporal variable, (I  replace  'del Bug()' by 'x=Bug();del
x') It's Ok.
For my buggous code, I have a strange comportement, because my code
don't print Hello, and it's anormal  (print it's before the del
=> My Conclusion:
del Bug() breaks the syntax analyse, -> the code is invalid -> I've not
the print statement
Imho del "thinks" its argument is a function (because, the () ) and not
an instance

Have you an another interpretation ?


Please don't flam me, I'm an VIP  ;-)
a Very Innocent Person, and it's not my fault, ...

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