Emacs question

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Fri Jan 14 17:14:07 EST 2000

>>>>> "WA" == William Annis <annis at biostat.wisc.edu> writes:

    WA>         Well, that's certainly true.  I suppose I should have
    WA> mentioned in passing that I've had trouble with some operating
    WA> systems trying to parse this:

    WA> #!/usr/bin/env python -- # -*- python -*-

You shouldn't need all that gunk.  With most modern Emacsen, there's a
variable called interpreter-mode-alist which (at least with XEmacs)
has a default mapping for Python.  Sticking

#! /usr/bin/env python

at the top of the file is enough to drop you in Python mode.  This is
covered in the Python Mode installation instructions at



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