Python plugin

Robin Becker robin at
Mon Jan 10 04:27:57 EST 2000

In article <slrn87j11s.vc0.kc5tja at>, Samuel A. Falvo
II <kc5tja at> writes

Don't get me wrong, but to attack me for saying I treat COM as too
object oriented and then attack me for being an OO neophyte seems a bit
silly. I'm from the fortran era, I treat COM objects as exactly that;
blobs with interfaces, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate nice OO
languages like Python. The reason I like Python is that it allows me to
"just do stuff".

As for openness I think having seen a lot of the process of DDE OLE OLE2
COM DCOM COM+ from the outside makes me more than a little doubtful
about commitment to open standards. I have to do other work, not become
an expert in all areas of CS. You have a special interest and expertise;
please don't criticise me for not having the same. I won't slam you for
not understanding linear algebra if you complain it's complicated. The
fact that a document describing the 'latest' version of the API is
available doesn't change the complexity or otherwise of the API. M$
describes the Win32 stdcall interface in about one page to someone who
understands a bit about assembly programming. The equivalent for COM is
how much?

I don't disagree with your CORBA assertion. CORBA being less used and
possibly more academic is even more complicated.

I don't pretend to fully understand the various aggregation mechanisms
in COM/DCOM even though the underlying technology is fairly simple. COM
interaction with threading models in win32 is indubitably complex as are
events, but that's probably inevitable given the various threading

As for verbiage I guess that's a matter of style. Modern practice calls
these things interfaces etc I come from an earlier era where callables
were functions/procedures etc.
Robin Becker

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