Suggestions for python 2

Felix Thibault felixt at
Sat Jan 22 17:22:57 EST 2000

>In article <000501bf623e$18b56a20$9a2d153f at tim>,
>Tim Peters <tim_one at> wrote:
>>[Evan Simpson]
>>> I rather like the idea of having to explicitly bring names
>>> into an inner scope,
>>Me too -- except in the cases that bite most often, where a trivial little
>>lambda wants to refer to one or two measly little names from its context.
>>People stumble on that so often it's a FAQ.

How hard would it be to implement something like:

def like_a_list(*now_args):
    def return_func(!now_args, *later_args, **show):
        if show:
            return list(now_args+later_args)
            return apply(like_a_list, now_args + later_args)
    return return_func

where the ! (or whatever) means something like this happens:

def like_a_list(*now_args):
    """like_a_list(value0, value1,...) store some values in a function"""
    fun_str = """def return_func(*later_args, **show):
	now_args = %s
	if show:
		return list(now_args+later_args)
		return apply(like_a_list, now_args + later_args)\n"""\
		 % (now_args,)
    return return_func

when the inner function is defined ? (Except that it works when
eval(repr(object)) doesn't and it's not as ugly). 


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