Interesting article on programming languages

Roey Katz katz at
Wed Jan 26 19:01:16 EST 2000

The 'virtual classes' that Sweeney describes look to me an awful lot
like something like this:

	class myClass:
	    def __init__( self ): pass
	    def doSomething( self ): print 'instantiating'

	class myClass2:
	    def __init__( self ): pass
	    def doSomething( self ): print 'instantiating (2)'
	class Base:
	    virtualClass = None
	    def __init__( self ): 
	         self.inst = self.virtualClass()
	class Derived1( Base ):
	    virtualClass = myClass
	class Derived2( Base ):
	    virtualClass = myClass2

Isn't this the same thing?  I noticed that the virtual classes in
Sweeney's code sample were all of the same base class;  to 
me, it seems that Python's object model is one of policy, not rules:
if an object responds to a message, so be it, regardless of what
*kind* of object it is -- so we have a little more freedom with
Python.  Correct me if I'm redundant?

I enjoy these constructs because they allow me to design flexible
interfaces in the base class that I don't have to change at all as I
add new features (sounds coherent?) I'm using this for a role playing


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