Threading & garbage collection

Matt Gushee mgushee at
Wed Jan 12 08:50:25 EST 2000

Hi, folks--

Another dumb threading question here:

I'm trying to write a subclass of threading.Thread where each

  1) is invoked by a GUI event handler
  2) collects some data (to be exact, it downloads a web page
	and extracts some information from it), and finally
  3) invokes a GUI method to display the data

The run() method of my subclass would look something like this
(unless someone has a better idea):

    def run(self):
	## various thready actions

... where is, of course, a GUI object. Do the standard
rules about circular references apply to threads? I.e., should I
add something like: = None

to the above?

Thanks in advance for your tips!

Matt Gushee
Portland, Maine, USA
mgushee at

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