New To Python

Jules Allen usenet-mm-yyyy at
Sun Jan 2 20:32:51 EST 2000

Hello Gary.

I can only speak for myself, of course. The best, most robust code and the
most fun I've had as an accidental programmer has come from the need to
scratch a technological itch. I think part of your problem is you're looking
to learn a language without a clear need to solve a computing problem.

That's a problem in itself.

If you're interested in building Web applications, perhaps you might want to
put together a dynamic resume password-protected Web site. Before you know it
you'll be hooking up databases or building Zope products (check out!). Or write yourself an address book using Tk. Before you know
it, you'll have written a bunch of code and will be itching to make it smell
more Python-like. Or whatever -- you'll know what's missing from your making
your techno-world ideal.

Thankfully this list/newsgroup is your best friend. Newbie questions that
would be ignored by other programming language-centric support systems are
gleefully answered here. Just watch out for that Tim Peters fellow.

Or maybe you're not a programmer. Not everybody can be. It takes a particular
brand of kook to want to sit at a keyboard and work on mind bending problems.
I started programming back in the dark-ages (1980-ish) and didn't have support
network like the net to get me though the harder times. So go scratch and itch
and come back with your questions and see if this programming lark is for you!

Good luck!

Put the current month and year in my address to reply via email.

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