ole structured storage documents under *nix

Daniel Calvelo dcalvelo at lailp2pc2.univ-lille1.fr
Fri Jan 28 11:46:55 EST 2000

Lance Ellinghaus (Lance.Ellinghaus at avnet.com) wrote:

: I have been looking for either Python or C code that will allow me 
: to read and write OLE structured documents..

: Anyone know of any??

: Please let us know!!

: Thank you,

: lance

1. There is wvlib, under the GPL, compiles like a charm, available at


It is used within AbiWord (www.abisource.com) for Word import, and from what 
was called MSWordView to convert .doc into .html.

2. Otherwise, you can try to rewrite in Python <grin> the OLE::Storage 
module from Perl.

3. Or you can use the format docs. The wv site has pointers and instructions 
to get'em. 



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