Python and MAPI

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Thu Jan 13 11:45:52 EST 2000

In article <387DF8C4.4B3214CE at>, Michel Orengo wrote:
>I've just started to play around with MAPI. I'm far from being a expert but here
>is a sample of what you can do to send a message:
>import win32com.client
>session = win32com.client.Dispatch("MAPI.Session")
>session.Logon("Michel Orengo")
>msgo=collmsg.Add("my subject","my
>msgo.Recipients.Add("Michel","morengo at")
>msgo.Sender.Address="morganea at"
>If I've time, I'll write a more useful example. For now, I'm still playing...
>Hope this will help

If anybody needs a little project to work on, I could really
use a program that sucks messages from a MAPI server and
forwards them to an SMTP server. ;)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  My forehead feels
                                  at               like a PACKAGE of moist
                                 CRANBERRIES in a remote
                                                   FRENCH OUTPOST!!

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