using PMW's scrolledframes

didier.rano didier.rano at
Thu Jan 20 15:28:26 EST 2000


     I've used your PMW to insert two scrolledFrames (sf1 and sf2) within a
     main one (sf).

     This works fine but what I would like to do now is to make the sf
     horizontal scrollbar move sf2 while sf1 remains visible.
     I've tryed to modify _xview which I renamed in xview2 but this doesn't
     When I invoke the following command

        self.sf._horizScrollbar.configure( command=self.sf2.xview2)

     I get an AttributeError on xview2.

     I would be very greatful if you could help me on that one.
     Thanks in advance,

     Didier Rano

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