XML to dictionary?

Randall Hopper aa8vb at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 7 09:28:32 EST 2000

Matt Gushee:
 |from pyxie import File2PYX    # PYX is the notation pyxie uses for
 |import string		      # parsed XML
 |f = File2PYX('hithere.xml')
 |data = f.read()
 |data = string.split(data)
 |dict = {}
 |for line in data:
 |    if line[0] = '(':         # '(' at the beginning of the line in 
 |			      # PYX indicates an element

Pyxie is a good tool.  But just to pick nits, using string.split isn't safe
with Pyxie output.  :-)


    <?xml version = "1.0"?>
    Wishing You A Merry Christmas!
    From all of us (here at the White House)
    Author: --Unknown

string.split gives you a new start tag, attribute, and text element you
didn't know you had ;-)

Randall Hopper
aa8vb at yahoo.com

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