CallDLL and Long Far Pointer Return

Andrew McCumiskey drew46 at
Fri Jan 14 02:14:50 EST 2000

I've been trying to get calldll to return a long far pointer back from a dll
function call.  I've tried every PyArg_ParseTuple type there is and still
crash upon calling the function.  All of my other functions work flawlessly
in this program and I've narrowed it down to the return type.

I was able to compile a module with C that returns the proper type but want
to avoid having to do that for the other 20 or so dll functions that return
the same type.

The function prototype claims it is returning a LONG FAR PASCAL.

Has anyone seen this and/or been able to get around it?

I'm running Python 1.5.2 with Win32 extensions build 127.

Thanks ahead of time for any help.


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