Whitespace delimiters suck - Seen Occam?

wolf at one.net wolf at one.net
Wed Jan 26 18:17:31 EST 2000

Andrew Henshaw <andrew.henshaw at gtri.gatech.edu> wrote:

>I don't have much call for Occam anymore, but I still use Origami for
>just about every programming project.  It supports a lot of other
>languages by default, and it can be set up to support most others.  It
>only took a couple of minutes to set it up for Python (including 
>keyword highlighting).

If you like Elcom's Origami you should try Loginov's ScopeEdit, more
expensive but I think it's far better. They actually have an undo
feature (unlike the version of Origami I bought from Elcom).



"The world is my home, it's just that some rooms are draftier than
others". -- Wolf

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