A couple of (minor) things I'd like to see in the Python _environment_

chris patti cpatti at black-racer.atg.com
Thu Jan 27 12:14:44 EST 2000

Firstly, let me just say that coming from a fairly Perl-centric
background, learning Python has been a breath of fresh air - things
actually MAKE SENSE more of the time than not :)

With that out of the way, there are a couple of things I genuinely
miss that I think would benefit Python tremendously:

* A command line driven documentation browsing system, similar to
 'perldoc' in the Perl world.  (Python's entities have doc strings -
  maybe those could be leveraged?)

* An interactive debugger invokable with a command line option to the
  Python interpreter. - I know about PDB, and it does in fact work,
  but oh how I miss the ability to simply do:

perl -d foo.pl

and from there be able to set breakpoints, examine the script in
operation etc.

Sorry if this steps on anyone's toes or hearkens back to Holy Wars
already fought long ago - these just _feel_ to me like limitations
that could (at least in the doco case) easily be fixed.


-Chris P.

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