In defence of the two-namespace rule

Tim Peters tim_one at
Fri Jan 21 19:19:59 EST 2000

[William B. Clodius]
> Minor historical note: Curry was not the discoverer of
> currying. It was first discovered by Frege and was ten
> independently discovered, and more widely published by
> Schoenfinkel. Curry "popularized" the concept of currying,
> but, as I understand it, never used the term himself,
> generally citing the previous work of Schoenfinkel.

All that matches my understanding, although I'd give Curry credit for more
than just popularizing (while his (along with Feys) late-1950's text
"Combinatory Logic" was the key popularizer, over the preceding three
decades he published dozens of technical papers advancing the theory).

> Somehow schoenfinkeling and freging never caught on as terms,
> at least partly because the existing meaning of currying
> (removing the tangles from an animal's hair with a comb) is
> slightly analogous to the removal of tangles of logic
> introduced by the concept of currying.

Cool!  I hadn't heard that before, and it makes great sense.  However, I can
think of a few more prosaic reasons for "schoenfinkeling" not catching on

pondering-what-"guidoing"-will-mean-in-2037-ly y'rs  - tim

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