More DBI question

Timothy Grant tjg at
Tue Jan 18 14:16:24 EST 2000

Hi again, I begin to feel like a pest,

I guess I have a misunderstanding of how cursors are supposed work, or
more likely how I am supposed to work with cursors.

Current understanding:

Open Database Connection
Create a Cursor
Execute SQL queries using that cursor
Process  results

Now, I need to make all sorts of different queries using that cursor,
some are selects, some are updates, some are deletes, some deal with

Now my misunderstanding comes when I do something like this

c.execute("""SELECT NEXTVAL ('id')""")

c.execute("""INSERT INTO mytable ( name, rank, serialno)
		VALUES( ?, ?, ?""", (namevar, rankvar, serialnovar))

This works as advertised

Howevever, the second time through this sequence, the first execute
returns an error along the lines of "Expecting 3 arguments received 1"

Now I understand where the three arguments part comes from, the cursor
just did something that required three arguments, but how do I "reset"
what the cursor expects, it seems clunky to call a db.commit() after
each execute.

Stand Fast,

Chief Technology Officer              tjg at
Red Hat Certified Engineer  
Avalon Technology Group, Inc.                   (503) 246-3630

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