anydbm - a simple question

Randall Hopper aa8vb at
Mon Jan 31 11:39:53 EST 2000

Skip Montanaro:
 |Randall Hopper:
 | |   >>> db = "database", "r" )
 | |   Traceback (innermost last):
 | |     File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
 | |     File "/home/rhh/software/python-1.5.2/lib/python1.5/", line 80, in open
 | |       raise error, "need 'c' or 'n' flag to open new db"
 | |   anydbm.error: need 'c' or 'n' flag to open new db
 | |
 | |It created the database.dir and database.dat files in the write phase,
 | |but the read phase fails on the open.
 |This comes up from time-to-time.  It is a fixed problem.  You can either
 |grab the CVS version of the entire shootin' match or visit

I still get this error.

I pulled:

replaced it in the Python tree, and removed the stale .pyc and .pyo.

What did I miss?

Randall Hopper
aa8vb at

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