WAP with Python

Sean Mc Grath digitome at iol.ie
Fri Jan 21 14:18:33 EST 2000

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 13:05:58 CET, "Ulf Engstrøm" <b2blink at hotmail.com>

>Has anyone tried to do any WAP-things with Python? I'm trying to set up an 
>apache webserver on a windows2000-machine and get it to run with the 
>wap-software. This havn't been all that successful this far, but I'm working 
>on it. The python-part of it seems to be working, since I can see it with my 
>regular browser.
>Anyone has any experience in this area and can give me some hints?

I use WindowsNT + Apache + Nokia WAP Gateway + Toolkit (Phone
emulator). Works very well.

I cannot say too much just now but if you are interested in WAP stuff
you might want to take a look at http://www.propylon.com.
The majority of the software talked about is written in Python.

Client side software will be made freely available just as soon as
we can . A server side toolkit for WAP application development
(in Python of course) will follow later.


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