IDLE Color Prefs

Randall Hopper aa8vb at
Wed Feb 16 08:39:51 EST 2000

Glad to see it's MUCH easier to change colors with the latest IDLE.

Now is there a way to put these in an ".idlerc" of sorts so they're kept
from version to version?

BTW, for those like me that have high-contrast screens (i.e. a white
background is "blinding"), here is a dark background color scheme for IDLE.
Just replace what's in your IDLE 0.5 file with this and tweak
to taste.

class ColorPrefs:
    CNormal     = "white", "MidnightBlue"
    CKeyword    = "orange3", None
    CComment    = "red3", None
    CString     = "green3", None
    CDefinition = "cyan3", None
    CHilite     = "#000068", "#006868"
    CSync       = None, None
    CTodo       = None, None
    CBreak      = "#ff7777", None
    CHit        = "#ffffff", "#000000"
    CStdIn      = None, None
    CStdOut     = "gray90", None
    CStdErr     = "red3", None
    CConsole    = "yellow3", None
    CError      = None, "#ff7777"
    CCursor     = None, "gray75"

Randall Hopper
aa8vb at

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