Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Feb 28)

Jean-Claude Wippler jcw at equi4.com
Tue Feb 29 06:52:25 EST 2000

Hello Gerrit,

> > To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday
> > morning, ask <claird at neosoft.com> to subscribe. 
> > Mention "Python-URL!".
> Hmm, isn't it automated? If not, please subscribe me.
> </quote>
> I'm not sure who makes this list - Cameron Laird or Fredrik Lundh?
> Thanks for putting my GUI comparison in the Weekly Python-URL!

Python-URL! is maintained by a rotating and growing group of volunteers,
who each step in for a few months, collecting and editing these URLs. 
Cameron Laird takes care of the weekly mailing, while I jump in every
few weeks to keep an archive up to date with all prior editorials:

Many great people have already become honorable members of the *-URL!
editorial team, as you can see here: http://mini.net/cgi-bin/url/1.html
(and yes, there's also Tcl-URL! - quite an easy way to track what is
happening in Tcl-land without having to read all of comp.lang.tcl).

The *-URL! editorials are on the www.ddj.com homepage, on the Scriptics
site, announced in Linux Weekly News, and probably other places too.

That's all there is to it.  It's *by* scripters and *for* scripters :)

-- Jean-Claude

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