Q about tail recursion

Felix Thibault felixt at dicksonstreet.com
Sat Feb 26 02:37:55 EST 2000

I was following the funtional programming thread and trying to get an idea
about what tail recursion was, so I made these two functions:

def add(inlist, sofar=0):
    if inlist:
        return add(inlist[1:], sofar+inlist[0])
        return 0

def faketailadd(inlist):
    sum = []
    def add(recur,inlist, sofar, container):
        if inlist:
            recur(recur, inlist[1:], sofar+inlist[0], container)
    add(add, inlist, 0, sum)
    return sum[0]

and tested them, and got:

>>> a=time.time();b=test.add(k1);time.time()-a
>>> a=time.time();b=test.faketailadd(k1);time.time()-a

(k1 is range(1000))

Does this mean that even though there are no return's in faketailadd's
add, the function still has to work its way back up from all those
recursive calls ? Or something like that ? Or does it just mean I
misunderstood what tail-call optimizing is like? Or does that too-
good-to-be-true less-than-1-nanosecond difference mean my testing
is flawed ? 

dys-functionally y'rs,


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