Pics from IPC8 (SNOWSPAM2000)

Dinu C. Gherman gherman at
Mon Feb 7 16:45:22 EST 2000

Robin Friedrich wrote:
> (FTP to the starship isn't working so I put them up here.)
> These are some of the photos taken this week at SNOWSPAM2000
> --
> Robin K. Friedrich     Houston, Texas

After seeing Robin's nice pictures there're few good reasons
to add some of my own, so let me share with you only some of
the pictures that I had taken *after* the IPC8 conference... 



Dinu C. Gherman
"The thing about Linux or open software in general is that 
it actually tries to move software from being witchcraft to 
being a science," [...] "A lot of the programs you see today 
are actually put together by shamans, and you just take it and 
if the computer crashes you walk around it three times... and 
maybe it's OK." (Linus Thorvalds, LinuxWorld 2000, NYC)

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