Haskell or Python!

Paul Prescod paul at prescod.net
Fri Feb 4 13:49:29 EST 2000

Tim Peters wrote:
> Paul *likes* functional languages, btw -- don't get him wrong here.

That's true. Python is the only language I like that wasn't designed by
Guy Steele. :)

Python is possibly the only language that appeals to ex-basic
programmers, computer scientists, hackers and "software engineers".
Since I belong in all of those categories it feels like home.

But in my pure computer scientist mode I prefer Scheme...

> > > Monads, gonads and lambda -- oh my!
> > > (one of these things is not like the others)

> > Wait... don't tell me... I know!  "Lambda" is supported in Python and
> > the others aren't, right?  What do I win?
> Paul's gonads <wink>.  The one that actually doesn't belong is "monads",
> because it's the only one of the three unlikely ever to be heard in a Monty
> Python skit.

I was thinking of "oh my!" because it isn't a noun. But your answers are
also both valid. I can't offer you my gonads because they are already
spoken for, but how about a URL:


Since the conversation was devolving, I figured we might as well jump
directly to the worst of the web.

 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for himself
"If I say something, yet it does not fill you with the immediate
burning desire to voluntarily show it to everyone you know, well then,
it's probably not all that important."
    - http://www.bespoke.org/viridian/

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