Solaris 2.7 ?

Fredrik Lundh effbot at
Wed Feb 9 17:42:42 EST 2000

Barry McInnes <bjm at> wrote:
> When I create the Imaging 1.0 library under Solaris 2.7
> I get lots of undefined symbols. These can be overcome
> by adding the correct libraries to the makefile

or compiling/linking with the right options (read on)

> but then I get the following error when trying to run the
> recommended test
> lore> ImportError: python: fatal: ./ required mapping
0x10000 size 0x206000, is already in use by file python

I'm not really a Solaris hacker, but that sure looks like
you've failed to create position independent code.

- are you successfully using shared Python extension
  modules? (i.e. have you uncommented the *shared*
  comment in Modules/Setup?)

- do you compile with -fpic (or whatever that is on
  Solaris gcc) and link with all the necessary options
  (Python ought to figure that out for you -- maybe
  you've just copied the sources from another box,
  and forgot to clean things up before rebuilding?)


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