ANN: srecdump 1.0

Kevin Dahlhausen morse at
Wed Feb 16 09:27:16 EST 2000

S-Record Dump 1.0: 

A utility that displays information about Motorola S-Record files. It parses the
file and prints a list of continuous memory regions, the program start address,
any comment records, and a memory dump. For now you must have Python installed
to run it. Sample output: 

File: 2623.SRE

Starting Address: 0xFFC000

Contiuous Regions:
start     end        length
0xffc000  0xffc4fa   1274
0xffc4fc  0xffc540   68

2623    SRE

Memory Dump:
16760832 ffc000: 07 00 ff e0 00 6a 38 00 ff ff 09 70 40 6a 38 .....j8....p at j8.
16760848 ffc010: ff fe 39 70 40 6a 38 00 ff fd b4 70 30 7a 02  ..9p at j8....p0z..
16760864 ffc020: ff ff aa fc ff 7a 06 00 ff c4 fc 5c 00 03 d8 f3 ....z.....\....

You can download it at:

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