A question from a total newbie

Lisa lisse at saintmail.net
Wed Feb 23 21:47:28 EST 2000

Hi ! I am a total newbie to python, although I had a little programming
experience in Pascal, Fortran and PL/1.

I would firstly want to apologize if this is not the place to ask my
questions, and I would be very grateful if you can point out to me where
to ask, if this is not the place to ask. Thanks in advance.

Here are my question:

Since I am a total newbie in python, where should I start?

I am thinking of starting on DOS level, without any cumbersome
layers on windows. Do you recommend that?

If so, where can I get python that runs on DOS?

And what else do I need? What is TCK or whatever it is I saw on
www.python.org? I am not sure about those things, I hope if someone here
can give me a pointer or two.

Books, which are the books for newbies that you recommend? There are so
many books out there I do not know which ones are good.

Are there any online tutorials that I can use, while I am selecting
which book to buy?

There are many more questions I think I should ask, unfortunately I do
not know what else to ask. If you know what other questions I should
ask, I would appreciate if you can help me ask the right questions.

Thank you all.

Please cc: me a copy of your reply so I can be sure to get your advice.

lisse at saintmail.net

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