Worthless (was RE: functional programming)

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at vet.uu.nl
Tue Feb 29 16:26:15 EST 2000

Steve Holden <sholden at bellatlantic.net> wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
>>			so won't be of much help come the machine revolution.
>> I used to expect it would side with the machines anyway, but its persistent
>> resistance to adding more functional cruft to Python gives me serious doubt.

> Now I'm confused.  I thought this was a timbot post, but you're Tim,
> aren't you?

Actually, this is the focus of a vast distributed analysis project like
Distributed.net and Seti at Home. The PSU has smuggled a set of Python scripts
into Zope and IDLE that have nothing to do with their official purposes --
this code analyses 'Tim Peters' posts to comp.lang.python in an attempt to
determine which are posted by the bot and which are posted by the human (if 
any human indeed exists -- no proof exists besides the word of Gordon
McMillan and Guido van Rossum, but we know what unreliable bunch of 
jokers *those* are).

Hopefully they'll give us some results soon.

The-PSU-doesn't-exist-really-!-ly yours,

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