Which GUI?

Gerrit Holl gerrit.holl at pobox.com
Wed Feb 23 02:33:25 EST 2000

<quote name="Vetle Roeim" date="951257141">
> * Gerrit Holl
> > * Tkinter is built on Tcl/Tk, but because the bridge between
> >   Tkinter and Tcl/Tk is too large, Tkinter needs to provide their
> >   own documentation and advantages.
> It has already been mentioned in another posting that Tkinter in fact
> does *not* depend on Tcl. (It was Fredrik Lundh in
> <url:news:Lies4.194$y3.183710720 at newsb.telia.net> ).

Even worse.
Tkinter needs to provide their own documentation and advantages, while
wxWindows or QT already has lots of documentation, that not need to be
copied into wxPython and PyQT. I repeat:

    Tkinter reinvents the wheel.
    WxPython uses existing code.

Tell me, what's more OO?


Comparison Python GUI's: http://www.nl.linux.org/~gerrit/gui.html
Please comment!

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