Help needed writing GUI comparison

Grant Edwards nobody at nowhere.nohow
Fri Feb 18 00:30:58 EST 2000

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 17:21:26 -0800, Paul Prescod <paul at> wrote:

>So the idea is you walk around reading the book for one day (no sleep,
>no breaks) and by the end you're a Python expert. I could see that being
>valuable for people who pad their resumes and then need to cram before
>their first day of work.

Think of it as the educational equivalent of demand paging.  No
point in loading all that knowlege in ahead of time when you
don't know which parts of it are actually going to be needed...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  A shapely CATHOLIC
                                  at               SCHOOLGIRL is FIDGETING
                                 inside my costume...

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