telnet functions

Fredrik Lundh effbot at
Wed Feb 9 11:43:36 EST 2000

Oliver Benduhn wrote:
> does anybody here has any good experiences with telnet over an Python
> script.
> There is an Telnet Module but it doesnt offer the functions i need.

really? (read on)

> i has to log me on with user-name and password and i have to start a
> Perl-Script on a Sun-Unix mashine.

hey, telnetlib can do that.  piece of cake.

the following example (from the eff-bot guide) works
for me, at least.  shouldn't be that hard to change the
"ls" call to run your perl script instead...

# File:

import telnetlib
import sys

HOST = "spam.egg"

USER = "mulder"
PASSWORD = "trustno1"

telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST)

telnet.read_until("login: ")
telnet.write(USER + "\n")

telnet.read_until("Password: ")
telnet.write(PASSWORD + "\n")

telnet.write("ls librarybook\n")

print telnet.read_all()


<!-- (the eff-bot guide to) the standard python library:

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