Phython as In-Game scripting language

pehr anderson pehr at
Wed Feb 23 00:28:39 EST 2000

I can't answer any of your technical questions, 
but I can point you towards a starting point.

Check out

They have already done some of the things you are
suggesting. I don't have a windows box (and they
only support directX with their current release)
so I don't even know what it looks like.

Report back to the newsgroup if you like it.
A good example probably answers more questions
than a ton of speculations.


Shawn LeBlanc wrote:
> Greetings!
> Being totally new to Python and completely honest in saying that
> I have no idea of what I'm doing, I had a few questions.
> My team and I are thinking about embedding Python into our
> game engine on the Windows platform. The basic idea would be that the
> major entities, including enemies, would have a script attached to
> them to control behavior. This would allow the level/content designers
> to concentrate more on the game design side of things, since
> behaviors would be outside of the main game engine. Is it
> possible to have multiple scripts running at the same time?
> Would this involve creating multiple interpreter objects? According
> to the docs, this is possible but it isn't totally safe to do.
> What would be a good strategy for this?
> My other question was one of performance. Is it crazy to have
> ~10 different objects with each an individual script and hoping
> the game will be running at 30 frames per second? The question might not be
> valid, since I'm not sure how to implement it in the first
> place.
> And lastly, is it faster to call C functions in Python or vice-versa?
> with milk and cookies,
> Shawn
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