Python startup seems slow... (NT)

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Tue Feb 1 20:40:45 EST 2000

"Joel Lucsy" <jjlucsy at> wrote in message
news:zJik4.2042$CX6.158724 at

> On my system and another I've talked to with email, it's the winmm
> causes the problem. Most likely it's caused by improperly written
> drivers. I have a laptop which probably exacerbates the problem.

Hrm.  Im pretty sure that winmm is only used by the builtin module
"winsound".  However, Im really not too sure why winsound is a builtin
rather than a standard .pyd extension module.  This would solve the
problem, and help keep python15.dll a little trimmer.  IMO, same goes
for the socket module - could be ripped out.  IIRC, it originally was,
and Guido decided he would rather have it built-in, in the interests
of ensuring it is "standard".


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