Continuations and threads (was Re: Iterators & generators)

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Fri Feb 18 16:23:49 EST 2000

Thomas Wouters wrote:

> I may be too confused to tell for sure, but i have a gut feeling that i'm
> getting closer and closer to some complete and utterly consistent
> cluelessness of this issue.

That's a good sign.

I can't claim any deep understanding, but I'm a friend of 
Christian's, and on good terms with the timbot (I feed him 
recycled jpegs), so if I screw up, they'll probably be nice about 
it ;-).

"Continuation" comes from "the continuation of the current 
program as of this moment in time". There's not much point in 
saying it "is" a something-else. It's an abstraction that hides 
something completely different.
Go back to assembler, and things like self-modifying code, 
gotos and jumps. Forget the processor's "call" instruction. 
Now trace the control-flow through a program using tricks like 
jump tables (that get dynamically modified) or passed-in target 
addresses. It's not a nice linear program that can be captured 
on a single stack. It's probably got little stacklettes and 
register-save areas all over the place.

The horror of this is what led to "goto considered harmful". But 
now take the nasty tricks and take a large part of the venom 
out of them by (partially) sanitizing them and giving them an 
official place in your language. Call them, hmmm..., 

See, functional programmers are an insular lot. You rarely see 
them in public, except at parades when they all have antler-
hats and silly shoes on. So they completely missed the 
infamous "goto considered harmful" thread and didn't even 
realize they were doing anything wrong.

Now, let's pretend you're writing a 'bot that can pass as a 
functional programmer. There's a complex protocol here. 
When two functional programmers see each other on the 
street, they recognize each other by the antler hats. But in 
certain parts of the Midwest, regular people wear antler hats, 
too. So there's a protocol. First a <wink wink>. Then the 
secret handshake. Then you sniff each other's armpits and 
stamp your foot 3 times.

OK, so you've written a bot, and it works fine on the street. 
Now you send it to a cocktail party. It sees a potential 
functional programmer and gives the <wink wink>. Now it tries 
to move into position to do the secret handshake, but 
discovers that it's antler-hat is entangled with someone else's. 
Oops. <wink wink> at the new guy. Handshake. But before it 
can sniff, the first one has moved up for his handshake. Ay yi 
yi. Your bot crashes and is exposed.

So now you rewrite your bot to use a finite state machine so it 
can handle multiple sessions. That means throwing out all the 
code that worked on the street. But if you'd used 
continuations, it would be a relatively minor adjustment of that 
code. 'Course you wouldn't have had to write the bot to begin 

Now clearly I'm not a functional programmer (I don't know the 
handshake and I don't smell right). But ages ago I did enough 
hairy assembler stuff to recognize that "structured 
programming" throws out a lot of power in the name of safety. 
I'd probably still play with that stuff if Intel assembler weren't 
such a horrid abomination.

but-I've-never-mounted-the-safety-guard-on-my-table-saw-ly y'rs

- Gordon

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