Overloading =

jhefferon at my-deja.com jhefferon at my-deja.com
Thu Feb 17 17:47:50 EST 2000

I have a class, rclass.  It has an attribute value.  Can I arrange
so that the string
sets r1.value to equal r2.value (where r1 and r2 are class instances,
of course) without changing anything else about r1?  I'm willing to
test, say, that r1.classtype==r2.classtype or something, first to make
sure the assignment is sensible.

And if so, can I also have r1=7 set r1.value to be 7?

I want to have a box in a GUI where users can enter code, such as
assignments, and I'd like to avoid the reference to the underlying

Jim Hefferon jim at joshua.smcvt.edu

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