control of child process stdio

Frédéric van der Plancke fplancke at
Wed Feb 16 13:34:20 EST 2000

How to write a Python script that controls execution of console
Windows/Unix programs (.exe), writing to / reading from them using
their stdin/stdout ?

(For my current problem simplified assumptions hold: the master script
should spawn the program, send fixed-length data to it, wait for at
most a given time, read fixed-length data from the program, then the
program ends itself.
This will be done several times in sequence.)

More-or-less platform-independent solutions are preferred, but I mainly
need a Windows solution...

Frederic van der Plancke
e-mail address: reverse and add dots etc. to:
      <com writeme vdplancke frederic>
(avoid my Deja-News address as I seldom read my mail there...)

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