Vaults of Parnassus problem

Thomas Wouters thomas at
Thu Feb 3 11:23:42 EST 2000

On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 03:55:31PM +0000, Kim Friesen wrote:

> Is anyone having problems accessing the Python modules at the vaults of
> parnassus ???

> The link from just goes into limbo and never returns any data

Works fine here. I've seen earlier reports to the same effect (or was that
you ? I dont remember) but it works fine form here. You'd best investigate
what is failing for you: finding the site, connecting to the site, or
getting an answer from the parnassus part of Can you reach ? If not, can you telnet to it, on port 80 ? If that fails,
there's a problem with your network connection to -- you'd best
contact your internet provider to see what's wrong. Maybe someone on the way
to is blackholing you, or your ISP. Or perhaps there is a problem
routing specific networks from your ISP (we've seen similar problems here,
we were unable to reach and a few other sites because two unrelated
(as far as we know) backbones changed their connection ;)

Thomas Wouters <thomas at>

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