Debugger Is Sorely Lacking!!

Lou Pagano lpagano at
Tue Feb 8 16:20:53 EST 2000

I am brand spanking new at Python, and so, make LOTS of mistakes. I have
found a lot lacking in the debugger. There is no way to:

1: Trace the VALUE of a variable as a script runs.
2: Step through a module if it executes outside of a class or function.
When execution enters the 'MAIN' logic, the debugger gets grayed out, can't
be accessed, and the script is hung.
3: Step through the raw_input logic. The operator can never enter anything
and the debugger gets grayed out, and the script is hung.
4: When I try to set a breakpoint, execution never stops there!

I am looking for a debugger that can handle all the 'normal' debugging
functions any other debugger can do. Anyone know of one? I'm willing to
change editors if necessary.

I am using the Python 1.5.2, and I think the debugger release is 0.5. I am
developing on a Windows 98 box, but the final code will have to run on a
LINUX server. Ideally, the debugger should run in both environments.

One other annoyance: 
When I place a comment between code lines, the following line never indents
correctly without using spaces. I suggest that the indent rules apply from
code line to code line and ignore all comments. This happens even if the
comment is at the END of a Python code line.

Lou Pagano

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