dyn added methods dont know self?

moonseeker at my-deja.com moonseeker at my-deja.com
Wed Feb 2 10:33:33 EST 2000

In article <slrn89g1u2.t0k.scarblac-spamtrap at flits104-37.flits.rug.nl>,
  scarblac-rt at pino.selwerd.nl wrote:
> You can just assign to them, self.function = etc.
> I think the 'self' is only used when the function you call in an instance
> is part of its class. You can add functions to an instance, but you'd
> have to give the instance manually, I suppose.
> class A:
>    def __init__(self):
>       self.text = "Spam!"
> # This function isn't part of the class, yet.
> def foo(self):
>    print self.text
> # Make an instance
> a = A()
> # Make foo an attribute of the *instance*
> a.foo = foo
> # Then it has to be called with the instance
> a.foo(a)  # Prints "Spam!"
> # However, it can also be added to the *Class*. Then you don't get
> # the problem with the extra argument, but it's added to all instances.
> del a.foo
> A.foo = foo
> a.foo()  # Prints "Spam!" as well
> So, you call a function in an instance; if it exists in the instance,
> it's just executed. If it doesn't, the interpreter looks in the class,
> and fills in the instance as the first argument (the "self").
> Why do you need this, anyway? :)


I need this because I have to build an interface to a data string containing
many data fields (output from a database), and I want to say 'Hugo is [2:11],
now I generate a method Hugo() which returns the partial string. I have found
out how to insert a method correct to an instance: new.instancemethod
(function, instance, class) returns a method reference.


PS: I like dynamically generated methods, classes and modules, I use this
heavily in my MUE project.

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