Which GUI?

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Fri Feb 18 11:10:49 EST 2000

In article <hYdr4.955$Jz3.33170 at nnrp1.uunet.ca>, Warren Postma wrote:

>2. If Python is so much better than Tcl, why does Python require the
>   Tcl interpreter be running to get Tkinter going?  

Because it's easier that way.  STk is a Scheme interpreter
bound directly to Tk (sans Tcl).  It's a nice way to do things,
but everytime Tk changes you've got to muck about to get the
binding to work again.  By leving Tcl in, it makes upgrading to
new versions of Tk easier.

Leaving Tcl in is a pragmatic solution, even though it doesn't
appeal to the minimalist in me.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I'm wearing PAMPERS!!

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