Off Topic Posts

Andy Robinson andy at
Tue Feb 15 07:39:08 EST 2000

"Gene Chiaramonte" <gchiaramonte at> wrote:

>All good points. I have several filters in place already, but many messages
>still slip through.
>I am suggesting that python-list be split into 2 lists. One for specific
>python programming questions, and another list for python language opinions
>and comments.
>Anyone agree with me?
Years back, I subscribed to,, and  It worked really
well.  The 'advocacy' group was the place for flame wars, defending
the honor of our superior engineering solutions, and general chat.;
the 'programming' and 'software' groups had specific enough titles to
be unlikely to atrract flames.  I've suggested this split a few times
in the last five years and don't know why people want to keep it in
one group.

But there's no point starting the official newsgroups creation
procedure if only two of us feel this way.



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