self argument

Grant Edwards nobody at nowhere.nohow
Sat Feb 26 15:15:12 EST 2000

In article <pOUt4.34424$3b6.163759 at>, Jason Stokes wrote:

>> Even better, it would be nice (probably too late I know), if self
>> was defined implicitly as the "this" pointer is in C++.
>I'm not sure why Python's way was chosen, but you get used to it.

Gee, I always though C++ was the "odd" language and that it sure would be nice 
if the "this" pointer was passed as a parameter to methods and had to be used to
access instance variables.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I want to dress you
                                  at               up as TALLULAH BANKHEAD and
                                 cover you with VASELINE and
                                                   WHEAT THINS...

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