so how do I run this thing?!!!!

Fredrik Lundh effbot at
Sun Feb 27 05:50:39 EST 2000

Collin Greene <greene at> wrote:
> thanks for all you help everyone, I know how to basicially use Python now
> but I don't really understand it seems as if there should be a way to run
> what you have written. I have tried the run command but it just showns me
> what i just wrote. Is there a place to actuially see waht you have witten?

(assuming you mean "run" instead of "see" in the last
sentence, right?)

what environment are you using?

most IDE's (including IDLE, PythonWin, emacs, etc) have
commands that run your Python program and displays the

otherwise, if you're using Windows with any non-Python
aware editor, fire up a command window (aka MS-DOS
prompt) and run the script from there.  e.g:

    c:\mydir> python

hope this helps!


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