Plugin into a server

Szilveszter Juhos Szilveszter.Juhos at
Wed Feb 16 10:51:31 EST 2000

I want to install new executable objects into a server (running on a 
remote machine) with a client like:

class Printer:
  This class should run on the SERVER side
  def Run(self):
    print 'dummy message'

theClient = Connector()
del theClient

The idea is that the Connector class implements the interface between the
server and the client. When I send an object with attribute 'cmd', the
server side will accept it as an executable object at the server side. I
can easily trasfer data, but not executable. It is obvious from the
documentation that pickling/marshaling will not work (at least I could not
find a way), but what is the way than to send executable objects across


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