os.path.walk (was: Re: Optimizing code)

Thomas A. Bryan tbryan at python.net
Sat Feb 26 10:06:58 EST 2000

François Pinard wrote:

> Or course, I could reprogram os.path.walk for my things.  I thought it
> would have been nice if the standard walk in Python was behaving the best
> it could, depending on the system it runs on.  When a Python script walks
> the structure of a disk, this is often where most of the time is spent,
> and for big file hierarchies, this time can become quite significant.

I'm sure that a lot of us would be interested in any optimizations in 
os.path.walk or os.stat.  If you're interested enough to develop a 
patch, then we could pound on it until all the bugs are gone.  Then you 
could propse the feature to Guido again with a patch in hand. :)

it's-easier-to-add-a-patch-than-an-idea-ly yours


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