PythonWin prompts for win32api methods

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Sat Dec 30 19:27:20 EST 2000

Jason Cunliffe wrote:

> I have been exploring win32api methods using PythonWin.
> One of the features I like most about PythonWin is the popup prompts for
> objects and methods complete with doc strings where present.
> When I import win32api it does do this. It is easy enough to flip back and
> forth to the win32 helpfiles, but5 so much nicere to do it inline.
> How can I enable this feature please?

In general, you can import the module at the Pythonwin interactive 
window, and that module will then have calltips and autocomplete.

Unfortunately, most of the win32 methods _don't_ have docstrings, as the 
docs are embedded in "autoduck" format.  So in most cases, you wont get 
useful calltips.


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