MIDI extensions (WIN32, Mac)?

Jesse W jessw at loop.com
Tue Dec 19 17:48:35 EST 2000

Dear Richard,
	I am not sure if this is what you are talking about, but I have written
a basic class to print out all the events in a MIDI file; I hope to make
it into a general method to access and modify MIDI files from Python. 
If this might be any help to you please e-mail me.
						Jesse Weinstein

Richard Dobson wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just started looking at Python seriously, with a focus on music
> applications; e.g. algorithmic composition. Python seems to me to be
> idally suited as a first programming language for Music Technology
> students who have never done programming before. So far the net trawling
> I have done has failed to turn up any already-done extensions supporting
> MIDI i/o. I could probably code this myself at least for WIN32 if need
> be, but it is the sort of thing I feel sure somebody must already have
> done. Can anyone suggest anything? Or has it indeed not been done yet?
> Richard Dobson

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