int multiplication overflow and the future of python

Ram Bhamidipaty ramb at
Mon Dec 4 13:41:38 EST 2000

On red hat 7.0 with python 1.6 I am running into overflow problems.

>From looking at the bug database at sourceforge I can see
that other people have run into this, and it looks like
there is a fix....but I have not been able to find it. Is there
a patch that I should apply to upgrade my 1.6 source to the
latest version?

This leads to a larger question: Which version is being maintained?
Is active developement taking place for both 1.6 and 2.0? I've been
using 1.6 because the features in 2.0 seem like they involve bigger
changes to the code base and I thought I should wait until the
initial bugs are worked out. But if all new work is only going
into the 2.x versions then I should probably stop using 1.6...

Any thoughts?


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